What the prophets long to see (01/24/2025)

Shalom All.
In one of my books I wrote the prophets cry, I believe we are the miserable and most fortunate of all generations.
The prophets would have given much to see their prophecies take place, it is so fulfilling to be able to see the end of the journey as we get to the end than to see it from the start. Think about all the history behind us how much has been fulfilled and how much more is left to see, for in the days of our patriarchs who were just dreaming to see what we see, we are very fortunate. For those of us who have lived long enough to see what the prophets long to see and experience.
Thank Adonai for prolonging our lives even in this difficult time, we are the witnesses of what the prophets saw.
Shabbat Shalom.
Rabbi Itzhak Levy