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Weapons cannot protect Israel. (9/20/24)

Shalom All.

Is God real or is it a figment of men's imagination? We can only answer the question from a personal experience, I can speak from my experience, with so many miracles all during my life, just like the miracle of Israel at the foot of Mt. Sinai with the mixed multitude, no one doubted the existence of God, they saw they heard they experienced.

We find the miracles since the promised land, the expulsion of Israel and the return like never in the History of Man.

No nation has returned to their homeland after 2,000 years, restoring the divine Hebrew language and against all odds of 7 Arab countries with overwhelming planes, and tanks, fighting 10 to 1. Another miracle under our own eyes, how did Israel plant over 5,000 cell phones to explode and eliminate so many? To God be the praise.

Weapons cannot protect Israel, no airplanes, tanks or submarines, only God the Father of Israel, His chosen, He will protect His Son.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Itzhak Levy

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