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Stay close to God (9/27/2024)

Yom Tov, Good Day to all God’s people

If you can read my Shabbat wishes it means that you are alive and God has granted you with the gift of life for yet another day to repent and Guard His Mitzvot / Commands.

This was another challenging week for me, for the first time after her 2 years from the stroke, Sandi has now developed severe pain from her right side of her face to the right side going all the way to her heel. Every 2 hours we have to give her Morphine and or pain pills that is causing her to cry a lot and loss of eating.

Pain gets us closer to our God, all through the History of Israel it was pain that caused them to call on God. For those who do not experience pain turn to God quickly so He doesn’t have to cause the alternative. It is best to maintain closeness to God than to wait for God to wake you up with pain.

As we come to the conclusion of this past year let us learn what lessons we have learned. If you went through a whole year and did not learn the lesson, it will be unfortunate that you may have to repeat it.

All my life I thought I was close to God because of my Love for Him, but in the past three years I have learned my love and dependency is to be even closer and have greater fear for my God.

Do not take lightly what God has done for you and the many benefits He has for you, in much recognition and appreciation for what He has done for you.

Shabbat Shalom.

Rabbi Itzhak Levy

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