How strong will your faith be? (11/10/2023)
Shalom All.
On top of our challenges and many trials, We have to remember the war in Israel, and the war that is brewing around the corner with China, Russia, Iran, and N. Korea.
He who endures to the end shall be saved, its not talking about he who makes it through the wars or the personal conflict, it is talking about our faith, how strong will your faith be through the challenges of life, persecutions, name calling, threats, maybe even deaths, will any of these change your loyalty to our God?
I am being challenged beyond my wildest imagination, No sleep can cause havoc with our decision making. I am having to administer IV and so many steps for injecting the Meds for Sandi. My God is on the throne of the UNIVERSE.
Pray for one another, we are all one body, be intouch with people who are hurting, one kind word can change the dynamics of ones attitude.
Lift up Israel in your prayers, all the weapons on earth cannot save them, they need God today.
Shabbat Shalom.
Rabbi Itzhak levy