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God is our hope and trust - (3/1/2024)

Shalom All.

Isaiah 11 “In that day, my Lord will apply His hand again to redeeming the other part (remnant) of His people… He will hold up a signal to the nations And assemble the banished of Yisrael, And gather the dispersed of Yehuda From the four corners of the earth.”

This verse should give us much hope and faith in our God that He is not done with us no matter what circumstances for His name sake.

All my life I have experienced disappointments, physical and emotional pain, threats to my lifetime calling, stoning, fighting and yet through it all I trusted my God to protect and defend me. While there are serious disappointments regarding my first born daughter and my favorite wife I know that I called on God and trusted in Him with my life.

So scriptures like in Isaiah should comfort us all in difficult time, when we are hopeless God is our Hope and trust.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Itzhak Levy


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