Go forward to Zion (8/9/24)
Shalom All.
As we enter the saddest day in Jewish History, the destruction of the two temples known as Tisha B’Av, the 9th of the Father, the travail of the Father. No doubt God gives over His Son Israel for not turning to Him wholeheartedly, so just like Israel was punished by the Romans for turning their back to God, so History repeats itself. Men should never mock God, if they do there will be sorrow pain and death.
I have been saying for many years that the last war before Yeshua's return will be extremely painful. Let us pray for Israel to repent and turn to God, the same should be for us, many as the Bible says will return to their vomit, let us not return but go forward to ZION the place of redemption.
Shabbat Shalom.
Rabbi Itzhak Levy